Star wars fleet battle
Star wars fleet battle

star wars fleet battle

Luke, calling upon the Force, is able to concentrate and make the lucky shot, blowing the first Death Star to smithereens. It is no easy feat, and many rebels are killed. If they can launch a proton torpedo down the vent, they can destroy the Death Star. Luke, along with Han and several other rebel pilots assault the Death Star, beginning the iconic trench run scene in order to find its thermal exhaust port. It's a one-in-a-million chance, but it's the only chance they have at preventing their own destruction. Threatened with a planetary strike on the Yavin base from the Death Star, the rebels devise a plan to blow it up.

star wars fleet battle

During the Clone Wars, the level above a single ship was a called a section. Usually it was the lowest unit above a single starship and beneath the squadron. In almost fifty years of Star Wars, nothing has ever topped the sense of desperation and chaos as A New Hope's Battle of Yavin. A line of battle, also called battle line or simply line, was a level of organization for capital ships within a fleet.

#Star wars fleet battle movie#

It is this iconic scene that makes the movie an excellent conclusion to the original trilogy. But despite the rocky start, the rebels prevail. The viewer gets a sense of the Imperial vice closing in on the rebels as they are lured into a trap, and become surrounded on all sides. If they can accomplish this, the war will be won. Meanwhile, in space, Lando ( Billy Dee Williams) is flying the Milennium Falcon amongst a rebel fleet of starfighters to destroy the Death Star II. Though they fight only with slingshots and catapults, they are still able to pose enough of a diversion to the Stormtroopers to allow Luke and his friends to do what they need to. They are aided by the adorable Ewoks, a race indigenous to the planet. Taking place on the forest moon of Endor, the job of the ground forces, which includes Luke and Han ( Harrison Ford) is to destroy a shield generator protecting the Death Star II.

star wars fleet battle

This battle is huge, and spans an enormous chunk of Return of the Jedi.

Star wars fleet battle